Here are all the participants of a three-day batik workshop that I led at Sabolamby Unayon Samity in Netrakona, Bangladesh (minus the photographer, Gloria Shin, plus an interloper.) In spite of a few unforseen circumstances a lot was learned by all (myself included). We had a few mishaps, lots of tea, and a lot of laughter. For Gloria and myself it was a breath of fresh air to get out of Dhaka and see fireflys, hear birds other than crows and enjoy the rural countryside.
Working together on a new design.
Toru testing out natural dyes with batik.
Creating test swatches
All of the water hand-pumped.
Washing out the wax and giving the pieces a final rinse.
At the pump.
Soaking in the dye vat.
The creators with their creations. Beautiful work!
Poly and Toru display their collaborative work. Amazing yellow with flowers.
Poly displaying her tchap-batiked silk scarf.
Rupon, not sure whether or not he wants to boil the wax out.
Sadia, Abir (my co-designer, MCC colleague), and Anita displaying their craftsmanship.
Gloria Shin records forever the "Fuska" piece. This is before the wax is boiled out.
Drying off the dye before adding another layer of wax.
Beautiful work Sadia! Especially for your first piece (in this workshop that is).
Spider web.
Cyan doodlin'
What's not to love in these beautiful pieces?