Thursday, December 11, 2008

People and Frogs

Lena Yual . . . in the shadows.

Gleeful Sarah!

Name someone? I love the blurry folks in the background . . . as a background.

Gayle pointed out this shot to me and I didn't notice 'til I got it into ZoomBrowser that there were two and that they were stacked. Observant of me.

My eldest two. (you can't see the Frisbee)

Staff training. An all female group . . . I wonder what they're talkin' about . . .

Nazrul (sp?) and ? (someone help me)

Self-deprecating laugh. It was an Office joke most likely. . .

Nipa, Sacred Mark's coordinator (actually I don't know her exact title)

Can someone give me a name? I know that she is MCCB Bogra staff.

Jahangir, Job Creation's man for all seasons.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nouwen on Clowns

"Clowns are not in the center of the events. They appear between the great acts, fumble and fall, and make us smile again after the tensions created by the heroes we came to admire. The clowns don't have it all together, they do not succeed in what they try, they are awkward, out of balance, and left-handed, but . . . they are on our side."
Creative Commons License
Color Marinade Blogs by Austin D. Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.